Tips to Prevent Flash Disk and Hard Disk contracting the virus
Tips to Prevent Flash Disk, Hard Disk infected
Many viruses spread through automated scripts on Windows executable file via AUTORUN.INF. Most of the viruses / trojan that uses AUTORUN.INF as vectors will spread matikutu.
The trick is simple:
1. In the root directory of the flash disk partition and you, create a folder named AUTORUN.INF
2. Change the folder attribute to "Read Only" and "Hidden". If necessary, the "System" all Done. Why this could be the trick? Because Windows does not allow the creation of a file named the same as the folder name. In addition, the way is very different from the delete folder delete files the way. Most of the viruses / trojans that spread using the AUTORUN.INF can not handle this.
So mustinya, these methods help prevent transmission. Step OPTIONAL (OPTIONAL) Let more work anymore, just follow the following supplementary STEP 2:
1. In the AUTORUN.INF folder, create 1 or 2 files. Txt
2. Rename the file. Txt, replacing filenamenya be 2-3 letters containing CJK (Chinese-Japanese-Korean) Just use the Character Map to the font Arial Unicode or Mingliu or Trunk or Gulim or Gungsuh or ... anyway CJK fonts that contain the letters
The existence of the file in the folder guarantee the folder can not be deleted. CJK letters will make the virus that relies on VBScript because VBScript does not support Unicode.
1. Download the first file SETFATR.ZIP from this site:
2. Open SETFATR.ZIP, copy SETFATR.EXE file to c:
Phase I:
1. Start> Run> cmd
2. x: (x: is the drive letter for your flash disk)
3. md autorun.inf
4. cd autorun.inf
5. echo Do not be deleted! > 1.txt
6. echo Do not be deleted! > 2.txt
7. DO NOT shut down his Command Prompt,
go to Stage II Phase II:
1. Open Character Map (in Accessories> System)
2. Select one CJK fonts, such as Arial Unicode, Trunk, Gulim, Gungsuh, Mingliu, or other
3. Find CJK font, double click
4. Find other CJK font, double click
5. Click copy
6. Open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer yah!)
7. Go to your flash disk
8. Go to the folder autorun.inf
9. Click on 1.txt, press F2
10. Press Home
11. Press Ctrl-V
12. Press Enter
13. Back to the Character Map
14. Remove both CJK font in the "Characters to Copy"
15. Select the CJK font, double click
16. Select another CJK font, double click
17. Back to Windows Explorer
18. Click on 2.txt, press F2
19. Press Home
20. Press Ctrl-V
21. Press Enter
22. CLOSE its Windows Explorer
Phase III:
1. Return to the Command Prompt
2. CD
3. c: autorun.inf setfatr RSH Beware! RSH must use capital letters!
Now, if viewed from Windows Explorer, if the option "Hide protected system files" is not lit, well AUTORUN.INF folder is not visible. But its existence can be checked:
Checking Stage:
• Copy the file AUTORUN.INF to the root of the flash disk (CD-CD installer usually have) - or -
• Copy any files to the root of the flash disk, then try to rename the autorun.inf so Supposedly, pencopyan or rename process will fail, with an error message.