There is a component that can not be separated from the circuit penyearah.Apakah it?. Was he who called the diode. Diodes are electronic components that one of the active components including diodes are non-linear devices that serve to rectify the current from ac to dc. There are various kinds of diodes, namely germanium diodes, silicon diodes and zener diodes. Each has a different diode cut-in voltage and breakdown voltage are different. Each diode is different also produce different curves iv pula.Selain as rectifiers, diodes can also be applied to protect electronic equipment (eg, radios and computers) from the ravages of polarity reversal when it is connected to dc supply. If the dc supply is connected with the wrong polarity (A-B +) then the diode dipanjar backwards so it will not conduct current to the circuit
After we talked about the diode, so now we go to the rectifier circuit.
2. Rectifier circuit
Typically, we find two types of rectifier is a half-wave rectifier and full wave rectifier.
a) half-wave rectifier
Why is it called a half-wave rectifier?. Was due rectifier produces a dc voltage only in the positive half period of the wave period input dc voltage or more simply the half-wave rectifier circuit, an electric current will flow by half a wave.
Half-wave voltage generating load current in one direction, meaning that the current flows only in one direction saja.Tegangan is a dc voltage that moves up to the max and the value drops to zero and remains zero during the negative half cycle.
Parameters - parameters that are most important
ü Vdc = Vm / η
ü Idc = Im / η = Vm / ηRL
Direct voltage generated by a half-wave rectifier and bridge rectifier has a fairly large ripple (uneven voltage waveform). Greater the grading capacitor capacity, the average wave voltage applied to the beban.Besar wavelength depends on the time constant RC circuit, which is formulated by Ï„ = RC where R = electrical resistance, C = capacity of grading
b) full wave rectifier
Full-wave rectifier is a bridge rectifier produces a dc output voltage is fully in one period of the input voltage rectifier with four diodes ac.Rangkaian called jembatan.Penyearah rectifier full wave rectifier with two diodes called tengah.Fungsi tap transformer primary center tap is that the two diode rectifier can work interchangeably in beban.Tap drain current to the center of each - each rectifier has a voltage equal to the input voltage sekunder.Dioda half round half D1 leads to positive and diode D2 leads to a negative half rounds.
And a simple course, the full-wave rectifier circuit, electric current is applied for a full period.
Parameters - parameters that are important in this full-wave rectifier (without filter) is:
ü Vdc = 2 Vm / η
ü Idc = 2 Im / η = 2 Vm / ηRL
Sources: http://arifboyw.wordpress.com