Here are ways how to care for and use the flash drive properly, among other things:
1. Keep Of Strong Magnetic Field
Electronic items such as TVs and mobile phones is not good for the flash disk. For that you should never store it near similar goods that have large magnetic forces. Sometimes we often forget if you put the flash disks and mobile phones in the same place in the bag. So from now on, if you want to flash disk longevity, not to mention saving on the same
2. Do not Hit Water
Although there are several brands that claim waterproof (water repellent), flash disk away from the water touches still be the safest move. Instead of your data is lost or corrupted flash disk you, better not take the risk
3. Virus Scan
When the data collection or transfer from PC to flash disk, it is possible not only data but also involved moving the viruses on the computer. Moreover, if we take and store data from the internet. Oops flash disk you can fulfill viruses bullies. So, do not forget to do a virus scan regularly with anti-virus software available. Click here for the antivirus
4. Eject or Stop Process
Always eject or stop the process before removing the flash drive from the USB port. In addition to making the flash disk is damaged, do not eject or stop the process can also affect the data files that you store in it
5. Keep Of The Heat
All electronic items are no exception flash disks are very susceptible to the hot name. Moreover, in direct sunlight. So try not to store them that heat and direct sunlight. For example like leaving a flash drive in the car
6. Avoid Violent Conflicts
Try rasain when you fell from the 12th floor, you may have to go to the hospital or even go into the future. So is the flash disk. So keep your flash disk you well from concussion
7. Cover is always
Air and our environment full of dust and dirt. If we dirty flash disk socket so can lead to the process of reading and writing often fails. That's why I'll always cover not dirty, do not even removed the lid!
8. Minimize the clear-write
Just like us, flash disks also have aged. This means that one day we can die flash disk and can not be used again. Age flash disk vary, depending on the quality and brand of the flash drive itself. Typically aged between 10000-100000 flash disk write times delete process. So try to minimize the process and also do not edit directly from a flash drive. Or if you have a lot of data and want to copy the data into the flash disk, better data are in-compress them together using a program first lawyer compress existing ones such as WinZip, WinRAR, or program compresses lawyer other. Because in addition to the data will be smaller but the file will be one, meaning that if the data is copied to a flash drive the same as copying a file.
9. Give Hangers
This is useful if we do not forget to put the flash disk, because of the small.
10. if the Flash disk can not be in rejeck
flasdisk not immediately revoke it, because it happens when you are running one of the files in the flash, close the file and rejeck flashdisk. flash can not rejeck could be because there is an application program is activity on your flash, usually Viru or maleware. merejecknya way to turn off the activity of the way by using the manual method (the exit for the road program "Ctrl + F4, or use the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) press on saaat simultaneously, if the task manager was seemingly no programs running closed program with the click end task. tetelah it rejeck back