1. Exercise. Research shows that exercise is more effective in preventing and treating depression than drugs.2. Express your love. Give and receive love makes our life happy. Pour out love to the family, relatives and others is key to spiritual happiness. Helping others makes our lives more meaningful and our presence is expected.
3. Reduce Watching Television, Film and Video / Online Games. Watching TV, movies or playing games excessively can affect our mental health. Violence in the news shows, action movies, and games can reduce emotional balance, depressing and affects our emotional response. After seeing so much violence, we can no longer recognize it as violence. Flashes television advertising also can cause sensory overload and our brains and fatigue.
Many movies are entertaining, but there is also evoke negative emotions for some people. For people who are sensitive or have had some sort of trauma in their lives, reducing the time and intensity of emotions watching that triggers will help maintain mental balance.
Focus on the positive things. Try reading the news, rather than watch television news. Read more gentle effect on your mind and we can be more selective. Try to avoid violent or sensational impressions, choose only the television programs and movies are positive.
4. Appreciate and make art. Enjoy painting, photography, art, music, dance and other art forms can be a natural and beneficial mood stabilizers refresh the mind. Produce works of art that can be enjoyed by people also helps a person to build self-esteem, something that is important for mental health.
Try listening to soft music. Many frenetic music that actually can lead to mental overload. In addition, many types of music can bring feelings of depression or hollow. The music is soft and sweet to balance the chemistry in our brains.
5. Worship. Practicing and prayed regularly meets our spiritual needs, which is a vital component in the welfare of the soul. Ignoring the spiritual needs of the soul makes us restless and unsettled. Prayer is an effective means of preventing and combating mental health problems.
6. Outdoor recreation. Try to stay away from the routine of spending time in nature. "Green therapy" can be one effective way to find inner peace and calm our minds, find enlightenment and free from negative thoughts.
7. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community that provides support and meet regularly can greatly help us through the crisis and remain positive.
8. Maintaining a balance diet. Diet can worsen the symptoms of various diseases including autism, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Food needed for good mental health is fruit and vegetables and foods containing essential fatty acids, such as fish belida, cob, squash and beans. Milk and chocolate are also believed to calming the mind.
9. Avoid pornography. Sexual stimulation may contribute to the growth of pornography emotional void that can lead to depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health. Just a sexual relationship with a partner who mengasihilah mutual legitimate and which can fill our physical and emotional needs.
10. Perform activities that build self-confidence. Learning to play a musical instrument like the piano or violin, master martial arts skills, get a prize competitions, etc. are helping children build self-confidence.
If you have family members who have mental health problems, it is important to always keep a positive attitude and do not give up. Do not berate or mock were made to feel inferior and perpetuate feelings of self-loathing. This is also true for those with eating disorder tendencies. Show love and understanding to them.
11. Keep your mind active by reading constantly. Reading can be a mental strengthening activities, especially if we focus on the positive reading. Subscribe to a magazine or buy some books that educate biography beneficial to your mental health.
12. Be more organized private. Avoid procrastinate, and clean and Arrange your possessions. Get rid of clutter. Discard items unused, complete or delegate jobs hang, and if necessary, ask for help from others to complete your homework.