1. Steps for Prevention
• Use antivirus you trust with the latest updates. No matter any brand as long as it is always updated and turned on the auto-protect your computer protected.
• Always scan all external storage media to be used, maybe it is a bit inconvenient but if the antivirus auto-protect your work then this procedure can be missed.
• If you are connected directly to the Internet try to combine your antivirus with firewall, anti-spam, etc..
• Always be alert to suspicious fle-file, example: 2 pieces exstension file or executable file that looks suspicious.
• For + freeware shareware software, it helps you take it from the official website.
• his best to avoid buying pirated goods, use of open source software.
• Turn off Autoplay facility on system configuration, to prevent the virus from entering through external storage media device (external device), as flasdisk.
2. Once Steps Infected
• Detection and determine roughly where the source of the virus is on the diskette, network, email etc..
• If you are connected to the network then it helps you isolate your computer first (either by unplugging the cable or disable the Internet connection from the control panel)
• Identify and classify what type of virus that attacks your pc, by looking at symptoms that arise, for example: the message, the corrupted or missing files etc..
• Scan with your antivirus, if you are exposed to when auto-protect running means the virus definitions on your computer does not have data of this virus, try to manually update or download the virus definitionnya for you later install. If the virus is blocking your efforts to update, then try to use other media (computer) with antivirus with latest updates.
• Clean the virus. After you successfully detect and recognize it immediately try to seek removal or ways to destroy it on sites that provide information on the progress the virus. This needs to be done if your antivirus with the latest updates do not succeed destroy.
• Step worst. If all the above does not work is to reformat your computer
I hope the above can help in minimizing disruption of rampant computer viruses.